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Tips to prepare your home for autumn and winter

yellow flowers in white ceramic vase

The summer months are behind us, and with the changing of leaves, darker mornings plus pumpkin flavouring a staple on menus again, autumn is taking hold. While our outdoor walks are more vibrant and colourful, it’s also a great time to look homeward in preparation for the colder climate ahead. Here are a few tips to help make your home warm and cosy for the coming months.

Service your boiler

We all have one and most of us only check the boiler when suddenly the heating isn't quite up to temperature or when you’re suddenly plunged into the cold when in the shower. Get ahead of these cold unwelcome surprises by booking in for a boiler service. Whilst you might be feeling quite DIY capable, gas experts exist for a reason and this is the time to take advantage of them.

Clear the gutters

While falling leaves create a beautiful aesthetic to surround your house, they do have a bit of a villainous side. Fallen leaves and twigs can create blockages in your gutters and gullies, meaning you’ll need to be extra attentive to keep these clear so there are no blockages which can lead to overfilling with rain water and potential damage to your property. If you want to get ahead whilst clearing your gutters, Tool Station recommend putting a piece of hardboard at the bottom of the downpipe to prevent debris from getting into the gully or drain where it could cause a blockage.

Draught-proof your doors and windows

Draught-proofing is one of the easiest ways to save: heat, money and energy in your home, and to do this isn’t a complex or expensive affair. For windows that open, buy draught-proofing strips to stick around the window frame and fill the gap between the window and the frame.

For sliding sash windows, foam strips don't work well. It’s best to fit brush strips or consult a professional. For any windows that don’t open, use a silicone sealant. Draught proofing external doors can stop a lot of heat from escaping, and won’t cost you much either. There are a few ways to draught-proof your door. Your keyhole can actually let in a lot of cold air, to prevent this, buy a purpose-made cover that drops a metal disc over the keyhole. Another way that might have flown under your radar is to take a look at your letterbox, your letter box can allow in a lot of cold air especially when there's strong winds, use a letterbox flap or brush, just remember to measure your letterbox before you buy. Now it’s time to look around the door, for gaps at the bottom, use a brush or hinged flap draught excluder, and for gaps around the edges, fit foam, brush or wiper strips like those used for windows.

Sweep the chimney

The fireplace will be getting more and more use in the coming weeks and months so now’s the best time to get the chimney cleaned. You can hire a professional or for those feeling brave and believe in their DIY skills, you can give it a go yourself. The reason you want to ensure your chimney is cleaned before heavy use is simple; it prevents house fires, the build up of soot, creosote and tar can block fumes from escaping and ignite under heat. With your chimney now safe to use, with the fireplace being the heart of a home, make sure you know how to light and lay your fireplace correctly too.

Now you’ve defended your home from the cold, there are also ways to make your home warmer and cosier. After all, we spend a lot of our time inside throughout winter and you want to feel perfectly at home.

Layer up your home

Whilst layering up to step outside, you can do the same to the rooms in your house. Layer textures and accessories to transform your room. You might have had a lighter and airy vibe for summer, but with the recent heatwave that decided to give us a glimpse of summer your room transformations might’ve been delayed, so consider adding back in some depth that will bring warmth physically and aesthetically.

For your now draught-proof windows, you could consider layering up with some blinds behind curtains to keep in the warmth as it gets darker for longer. You can also consider playing with various textures and patterns for blankets, pillows and throws. From knitted or fluffy to smoother, vintage quilted textures. Check out Osborn Interiors for some new gorgeous soft furnishings and read our autumn styling journal for more interiors ideas

Make the room smell as cosy as it looks

The smell of a home is an important and personal element, and it's our favourite time to bring out the spicy aromas. With darker days, the warm flicker of a candle is always a comforting sight but don’t feel trapped into the typical pumpkin or berry scents if that isn’t your preference. Instead focus on finding scents that help you relax and create your space to cosy up in for winter.


With naturally darker days, you’ll be relying on lighting and overall atmosphere yourself and want to make sure you’re not just providing ample light but that the light created is adding to the ambiance of your home.

Warmer tones throughout your home is a lovely way to uplift your mood during darker evenings so this is the best time to experiment with warmer-toned lighting or incorporate fun new shades. Check out Pooky for fun shades and read our journal with lighting experts, Brightbox for tips!

One last look outside to the garden

Picnics and alfresco dining are soon to become a distant summer memory. But there’s no reason you can’t still enjoy your outdoor space and reap the benefits all the seasons have to offer despite the cooler weather by creating a lounge area in a garden room or greenhouse. Make sure you’re not leaving the whole space to ruin, you can either do this yourself and get the year round rewards from tending your own garden, with flowers such as ‘pansies’ and the aptly named ‘snowdrops’ ready to bloom and fill your gardens with colour. Or we’d recommend Hawk Property Services to ensure your outdoor space still thrives and remains picture perfect during these months.